Friday, November 12, 2010

Change your Mind, Change your Body
change-management1.jpgWhat happens in your mind is inextricably linked to what happens in your body. We know, for example, that meditation can change your brain activity and improve the immune system. The idea of your body following your mind is really the foundation of health. So learning before you leap into a completely new nutrition or wellness plan is essential for your success. You will need to identify what health and wellness mean to you, set measurable goals and chart your course in order to achieve your vision.

Stages of Change
There are 5 distinct stages that people experience while going through changes in their life. Each of us may breeze through these stages rather quickly, still others find themselves stuck and unable to move forward or make the changes they desire. Coaching is beneficial for anyone in any stage of change, but is especially so for those who find themselves "stuck" in any particular one. Below are the 5 natural stages of change:
1. Pre-contemplation or “I won’t”/”I can’t
2. Contemplation or “I may” 
3. Preparation or “I will” 
4. Action or “I am” 
5. Maintenance or “I still am”
What Stage are you currently in?

Answer Yes or No to the following statements. If you answer Yes, your stage follows in parentheses. 
1. I achieved my original vision more than 6 months ago. (I still am)

2. I’ve taken action toward my vision within the last 6 months, but am still not there yet. (I am)

3. I am intending to take action soon, like next month. (I will)

4. I am intending on taking action sometime, but it may be 6 months away. (I may)

5. I am not intending to take action anytime soon because I am not interested (I won’t) or because I am overwhelmed & don’t have time. (I can’t)

Stay tuned to "Stress Factors" as I examine each of the preceding stages in more detail, how stress affects each of us in those stages and how we can go about getting around those obstacles that stand in the way of our success! 

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